
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2013

Aunque falten unas horas

como si fuera. “Un hombre sabio dijo una vez:   ‘Si hay una bifurcación en la carretera, tómala ’ ”. Así que, dejo ir... bienvenidos 29.

shit... let's face it: i'm in crisis.

It’s only when the heart begins to beat wildly and without pattern — when it begins to realize its boundlessness — that its newly adamant pulse bangs on the walls of its cage and is bruised by its enclosure. To feel the heart pound is only the beg i nni n g . Next is to feel the hurt — the tearing of the psyche — the prelude of entry into the plac e o n e h a s al w a y s f ea re d . One fears that place because of being drawn to it, loving it, and wanting to be taught by it. Without the need to be taught, who would feel the psyche rip?… Without the bruise, who would know where the w a lls are? -Kay Larson-

Poetry can express myself better.

No one’s fated or doomed to love anyone. The accidents happen , we’re not heroines , they happen in our lives like car crashes, books that change us, neighborhoods we move into and come to love. Tristan und Isolde is scarcely the story, women at least should know the difference between love and death . No poison cup , no penance . Merely a notion that the tape-recorder should have caught some ghost of us: that tape-recorder not merely played but should have listened to us, and could instruct those after us : this we were, this is how we tried to love, and these are the forces we had ranged within us within us and against us, against us and within us . -Adrienne Rich- ____________